Our ambassadors
First Touch is very lucky to have a dedicated band of volunteers who represent the charity in their local areas and help to engage people with the work that we do. First Touch Ambassadors undertake tasks as diverse as sourcing raffle prizes, nominating First Touch as a chosen charity for businesses and community groups, manning stalls, social networking and helping out with local press stories. We are often asked to attend events, talks and cheque presentations and, as our staff are not able to attend them all, this is where our valuable ambassadors come in.
The role of First Touch Ambassador is entirely voluntary with as little or as much time-commitment as suits you. If you are interested in becoming First Touch Ambassador, email us.

Our supporters
First Touch is a small charity with a massive cause. To achieve all that we do, we rely heavily on the kindness and energy of our wonderful supporters, many of whom have been touched in some way by the dedication of the St George’s nnu team.
First Touch supporters are a diverse band of individuals who organise and take part in an amazing array of events and activities - from two year olds with their sponsored bounces to eighty-two year olds doing parachute jumps! Over the years thousands of cakes have been baked, and thousands of miles covered by our runners and cyclists. We are also grateful to those companies and organisations who support their employees to fundraise for us or make grants or donate their goods or services to us.
Whoever they are and whatever they do, whether they donate £1 or raise £10,000, we are so grateful to each of our amazing supporters for enabling us to give all our babies and their families the best possible care.
"Our office team organised a football tournament and raised over £7,000 for First Touch because we saw the amazing support your charity gave our colleague and his wife when their twins were born 3 month early."
"I wanted to set up a monthly direct debit to First Touch as a way of saying thank you for saving my grandson’s life."