What we do
First Touch is the official charity of St George’s neonatal unit. First Touch funds state-of-the-art equipment and specialist staff training which are outside of the scope of NHS budgets, as well as a range of initiatives to support families during their stay on the unit.
Thanks to our dedicated and generous supporters, First Touch raises around £200,000 each year. We are indebted to the individuals, families, schools, businesses and charitable trusts for the donations we receive from them and which make our work possible.
“First Touch makes a huge difference. The charity helps us to buy more specialised and up to date medical equipment.”
“I will always be grateful to First Touch for all that they do, and especially for the very simple memory box that is so very important to me.”

First Touch funds medical equipment for the neonatal unit that is outside of the scope of NHS funds. Find out more

Supporting families
First Touch knows that having a baby on the nnu is a very stressful and bewildering experience. Find out more

Staff training
First Touch is proud to support the medical staff who care for babies at the nnu. Find out more