First Touch celebrates World Prematurity Day 2023

First Touch marked World Prematurity Day with a photo exhibition in the foyer of St George’s Hospital, celebrating 25 years of neonatal care. We also funded food, gifts and decorations on the neonatal unit for staff and families. World Prematurity Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges of preterm birth and to link communities in order to provide …

Simulation Training Mannequin arrives on the unit

Consultant Dr Justin Richards and nursing Sister Jess Buckley are pictured here with the brand new simulation training mannequin and equipment that arrived ten days ago. Here Jess explains why simulation training is vital, and thanks the First Touch donors who enabled us to buy the equipment for the neonatal unit; ‘We are extremely thankful to First Touch and its …

First Touch Garden Revamp

In mid October, our fantastic team of horticultural expert volunteers planted up our First Touch garden at St George’s Hospital. This was part of the ongoing renovation of the garden, which was first opened in 2014. Fresh air, the natural world, outside space and plants are proven to have beneficial effects to promote positive mental health. We hope that neonatal …

Royal Parks Runners Raise Thousands for First Touch

We had a fantastic team of 12 runners taking part in this year’s Royal Parks Half Marathon. Collectively, they raised nearly £14,000 for First Touch, and this figure is still rising. We are delighted to be able to put the funds raised towards a number of projects:- First Touch Garden – the runners have enabled us to reach our fundraising target …

Supporting First Touch at Christmas

Can you be Santa for the neonatal unit at St George’s Hospital?! Christmas is pretty tough for families with a poorly baby in hospital. We try to make things a little more festive by providing; Filled stockings for all babies on Christmas Day A book – The Night Before Christmas – for every family to read to their baby in …

Annual Neonatal Memorial Service 2023 – remembering our babies lost too soon

Every year, we come together at St George’s Hospital to remember all those babies lost too soon. This year’s Neonatal Memorial Service will take place at 3pm on Sunday 8th October in The Chaplaincy, St George’s Hospital, Ground Floor, Grosvenor Wing. There will be a short service followed by some light refreshments. Anyone is welcome to attend to remember their baby …