We had a fantastic team of 12 runners taking part in this year’s Royal Parks Half Marathon. Collectively, they raised nearly £14,000 for First Touch, and this figure is still rising. We are delighted to be able to put the funds raised towards a number of projects:-
First Touch Garden – the runners have enabled us to reach our fundraising target for the renovation of the First Touch garden at the front of the hospital. More news to come on this.
Clay Hand and Foot Prints for bereaved families – First Touch has been supporting baby loss initiatives for many years. Last week was Baby Loss Awareness Week and we were very pleased to be able to launch this project, led by the bereavement team on the neonatal unit. These clay prints are professionally fired, glazed and framed, so that families are able to take away a precious keepsake of their baby. The funds raised will cover this project for a year and we hope it makes a small difference to such a painful and distressing experience.
New Doors for the Neonatal Unit – As some of you are very aware, the doors to the Neonatal Unit are currently old and grey – rather dull and uninviting. The money raised will help to fund new wooden doors, which we will be able to decorate and hopefully make look a little more welcoming. We will also have a new sign above the doors!
Music for the expressing rooms – First Touch has been working for several years on making the expressing room experience as comfortable as possible. With this in mind, we are looking into funding radios and speakers for this space, so that calming music can be played.
Our thanks go out to all those brilliant runners who braved the very warm weather and wore their First Touch t-shirts with pride. Thanks also to those friends and family members who came out to cheer the runners on. We really have appreciated your enthusiasm.